An Utsusemi of Keramas

Tales of security research, penetration testing, red teaming, and general hacking shenanigans.

27 November 2017

TUCTF 2017 | Web Challenges

by Keramas

High Source

Accessing the web page and immediately looking at the source we get trolled. Nothing here... But what about in the login.js source?

Oh hey, a password! Using this to login we then get our flag!

Cookie Duty

The first page we land on gives a good hint as to what this will entail with cookies... We aren't admin, but can we become an admin by modifying the cookie? "not_admin" is set to a 1 flag, so if we modify this to a 0 we should be able to become admin.

Changing the cookie and making a GET request with Burp Suite, we trick it to thinking we are admin and get our flag!

Git Gud

Based on the challenge description we know that the site is using Version Control Systems and the title also gives it away that we are looking for something git-related. After researching some stuff about this, it's possible to access a directory at /.git which gives all of the history info, objects, what have you.

To make this a bit easier, I just downloaded everything and used comannd line to traverse through the directories. In the master file you can see an update entry for adding a flag, and using the data on the left we can cat the info until we are able to see the past entry and get our flag!

Cookie Harrelson

More cookies! Inspecting the response/request headers upon loading, we can see that there is a cookie being passed.

This coded in base64, and decoding it we get:
cat index.txt

Neat... so what if we just encode something like 'cat flag.txt' in base64 and swap it in? Well, this is what I did, but it wasn't as easy as that. Unfortunately when subbing in something different, the cookie gets modified and it becomes something like this:

cat index.txt #(new command here)

So we are getting filtered and need to bypass it somehow! After a lot of experimentation/trial and error, the trick here is to get a carriage return. Using Burp to decode the original cookie, modify it, and then re-encode it, we get our new cookie.

Now we can put this in the repeater and make our GET request, which gives us the flag!

iFrame and Shame

This challenge took a bit of trial and error to solve. I started by checking for input validation in the search box by adding an " and that seemed to break the format a bit, which kind of tipped me off there may be a possibility for code injection.

After trying different things for a while, the following command worked as a test:
"; echo $(ls) #

Based on this, we just change our command to give us our flag:
"; echo $(cat flag) #

tags: CTF challenge